Setting Out Of Building

Even though setting out of buildings have become more advanced by using total station but there are areas and projects where engineers and surveyors are still using Theodolite for surveying. This article for those engineers and surveyors.

Setting Out Of Building
In This Article, I Am Going Down The Memory Lane And Writing About Good Old Fashion Of Setting Out Building With Theodolite.
Those Were The Days And Required Real Skills And Understanding To Set Out A Building WIth Simple Sighting Tool Like Theodolite, Unlike Morden Total Station Where Everything Is Fed Into The Machine and It Does All The Grunt Work.
At The Same Time, Work Has Become Easy And Speedy WIth Much Better Accuracy. It's Just That I am Still Old Fashioned And Remembered Those Days When We Had Learned To Fly Levels From Railway Station To The Village And Then Do Survey Of That Village With Theodolite, Chainage & Plain Table Survey.

Setting out for Buildings: -

1. Locate the central core reference points of the structure given from the existing structure. Cross-check open spaces available as per the layout plan.

2. Setout corners of the building & outermost points towards the existing compound wall. The accuracy of measurement to be + 10 mm.

3. Check for open spaces available as per the layout plan.

4. Check Diagonals of the building for equal lengths.

5. Fix sight rails as per the building profile. Transfer corner points on to the sight rail and carryout the detail centerline layout by fixing nails for centers of individual columns. The nails shall not be projecting more than 15 mm from the top face of the sight rail and sight rail should be fairly straight, in level & right angle.

6. For checking of individual column points line dori shall be tied on two perpendicular faces of the building and then line dori on individual column points. Check distance available on line dori w.r.t. Building face line dori. Accuracy of the measurement to be + 2 mm.

7. Once the position of column centers is finalized, the column numbers will be legibly written on all four sight rails.

8. After finalization of all column points pedestals will be made in all four corners of the building – at least 10’ away from the sight rails – and four corner points / building face column points will be transferred on them, so that in case of any damage to the sight rail column points can be fixed again with reference to these points.

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